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Заварени фланци на гърлото

ZhongNuo WN Flange with high quality


Въглеродна стомана: A105, SS400, SF440 RST37.2, S235JRG2, P250GH, C22.8 и др.

Неръждаема стомана: ASTM A 182, A 240 F 304, 304L, 304H, 316, 316L, 316Ti, 310, 310S, 321, 321H, 317, 347, 347H, 904L


1/2" (15 NB) до 60" (2000 NB)


Weld neck flange is the most widely used type in process piping, it is designed to be connected by a butt weld connection to the pipe. Weld neck flanges are used in high-pressure and temperature applications.

Weld neck flange typically have a raised or flat surface. At ASME/ANSIB 16.5 flange, the standard height of raised face is 0.06(1.6mm) for WN flanges under class 400#, if the class of WN flange is 400# and up, the height of raised face will be 0.25(6.4mm).

Shandong Zhongnuo Heavy Industry Co., Ltd. can manufacture weld neck flanges in all steel material grades, including carbon steel weld neck flanges and stainless-steel weld neck flanges. ZhongNuo also has many different weld neck flanges in stock and ready for shipment. We are an ISO, KR, KS, and PED/AD 2000 certified factory and can meet the demanding requirements of the most critical industries.


Dimensions of carbon steel weld neck flanges:

ASME/ANSI: DN 1/2" – DN 24"
DIN: DN 15 – DN 2000
BS. EN1092: DN 15 – DN 2000
JIS: 15A-1500A
UNI: DN 10 – DN 2000
SABS: DN 10-DN 600
GOST: DN 10 – DN 1600

Pressure of carbon steel weld neck flanges:

ASME/ANSI: Клас 150, 300, 600, 900, 1500 2500lbs
DIN: DIN2527, DIN2566, DIN2573, DIN2576, DIN2641, DIN2642, DIN2655, DIN2656, DIN2627, DIN2628, DIN2629, DIN 2631, DIN2632, DIN2633, DIN2634, DIN2635, DIN2636, DIN2637, DIN2638, DIN2673
BS. EN1092: PN6, PN10, PN16, PN25, PN40, PN64, PN100
САМО: 1K,2K,5K,10K,16K,20K,30K,40K
UNI: PN6, PN10, PN16, PN25, PN40
SABS: 600KPA,1000,1600,2500,4000
ГОСТ: PN6, PN10, PN16, PN25

Material of steel weld neck flanges:

Carbon steel weld neck flanges: A105, SS400, SF440 RST37.2, S235JRG2, P250GH, C22.8, etc.
Stainless Steel weld neck flanges: ASTM A 182, A 240 F 304, 304L, 304H, 316, 316L, 316Ti, 310, 310S, 321, 321H, 317, 347, 347H, 904L

Weld Neck Flanges Available Types

Фланец с повдигната лицева заварка Заварете гърлото с повдигнат челен фланец
ANSI B16.5 Weld Neck Flanges Weld Neck Flange Dimensions
ASME B16.5 Slip On FlangeWeld Neck Flange Weight
Производител на ковани фланциANSI B16.5 клас 150 фланци за заваряване на гърлото
Производител на фланци от въглеродна стоманаCS Weld Neck Flange
Weld Neck Flange ManufacturerDIN Weld Neck Flanges
ANSI b16.47 Weld Neck FlangeBS 4504 Weld Neck Flange
Производител на DIN фланецEN 1092-1 Weld Neck Flange
ASA Weld Neck FlangeJIS Weld Neck Flange
AWWA Weld Neck FlangeCarbon Steel Weld Neck Flange

Лист с данни

NSI B16.5 Class 150 weld neck Flanges

тръбаФланецХъбПовдигнато лицеШаблон за пробиване
НаредбадБTЕнМT2РАT1J - H.К


Weld Neck flanges are widely used in oil and gas, petrochemical, waterworks, chemical industry, plumbing, heating, power plant, paper & pulp industry, fabrication industry, food processing industry, etc

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